Preventive treatment in young children is possible.
Your child sucks his thumb, breathes through his mouth, makes noise when eating, has restless sleep, places his tongue between his teeth when swallowing… He may suffer from dysfunctions of breathing, swallowing, posture or chewing.
These can modify the development of the orofacial area.
Therefore, we can intervene early with a simple but effective functional treatment.
Are your child’s teeth growing abnormally?
It is an interceptive orthodontic treatment that will contribute to balanced and harmonious maxillofacial growth.
This treatment consists first of eliminating harmful habits (thumb sucking, pacifier, etc.). Then, a removable appliance will be fitted, combined with corrective exercises.
We can work on the posture and functions of the tongue, on lip toning, and improving swallowing.
Thus, together we will prevent your child’s dental and bone deformities from getting worse.
They will help your child grow and develop properly with corrected swallowing, chewing, and breathing functions.
The earlier we start using your child’s development, the easier and more beneficial the education will be.
It is an interceptive orthodontic treatment that will contribute to balanced and harmonious maxillofacial growth.
This treatment consists first of eliminating harmful habits (thumb sucking, pacifier, etc.). Then, a removable appliance will be fitted, combined with corrective exercises.
We can work on the posture and functions of the tongue, on lip toning, and improving swallowing.
Thus, together we will prevent your child’s dental and bone deformities from getting worse.
They will help your child grow and develop properly with corrected swallowing, chewing, and breathing functions.
The earlier we start using your child’s development, the easier and more beneficial the education will be.